Make a ‘Dance Agreement’ with Yourself
I was watching a recent episode of The Big Bang Theory, in which Leonard and Penny were fighting (again). To resolve their squabbling, they asked Sheldon to write up a relationship agreement for them. Sheldon happily complied, drawing up a contract cementing their obligations and commitment to each other.
Whether we are aware of it or not, the choice to dance is also an agreement, one you make with yourself. You are committing to a certain amount of your time and finances to be invested, in order to become that dancing god/goddess you’ve dreamed about.
In the past, I’ve found writing down my commitments to be helpful in keeping them, so I’ve included a form you can copy and paste onto your computer. After you’ve filled in the blanks, I suggest you print it out and place it somewhere you will see it often. Happy dancing!
Dance Agreement
I _________________ pledge to commit time, finances, and energy towards improving myself through dance. My primary goal and Dream of Dance is ___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________.
I recognize that accomplishing this Dream of Dance will require persistence and determination. Therefore, I am offering _____ hours of my time every week, and about ______$/month of my finances in pursuit of this dream.
I also recognize that the path towards my Dream of Dance is made up of many smaller steps. These smaller goals are how I measure my progress towards my Dream. They are as follows:
- ____________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________
By fulfilling my obligations to the agreement above, I ensure my continued evolution as a dancer, a dedicated student of life, and a passionate human being.
Signature: _______________ Witness: ________________ Date: ________________
About the Author
Ian Crewe has been dancing ballroom for over 18 years, and has a Licentiate in American smooth and rhythm. His passion for dance eventually led him to blogging and the World Wide Web. Ian currently teaches at the Joy of Dance Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada.