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Jump-In Class
Lorenz’s Hip Hop classes are a mix of true passions for a variety of music styles, from old school funk to contemporary Hip Hop pop. Their style is something to be experienced. They will guide you to “dance like you just don’t care” so you can feel that true inner dancer inside. Sometimes slow, sometimes really fast moving, their choreography is always intuitive movement and makes you feel like an authentic dancer from the heart.
Heels classes are going to challenge you in a different way with the fusion of Burlesque movement. Heels is about musicality, sensual movements, performance quality, and having fun. The classes will challenge you and make you move in a whole new way. Step into your inner diva.
Note: To return at a future date.
Hip Hop
Hip Hop, Heels, Lyrical, Founder of Urbanesque
Hip Hop,
For adult classes only, if you need to miss a class and give us 24 hours advanced notice, we offer you a make-up class in one of our various jump-in classes. No refunds ON ANY PURCHASES
1 class = $19.25
5 classes = $90
10 classes = $175
20 classes = $330
Valid for 6 months from date of purchase.
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