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As one of Toronto's top voted dance studios, we strive to offer the very best in adult, youth and teen dance class instruction in a friendly and welcoming environment. Dance is the fastest pathway to joy, so come here to leave your troubles on the dance floor.
Joy of Dance star

Adult RAD Ballet Exam Program

WE WILL BE CLOSED : Easter Sunday April 20 and Monday April 21

Adult RAD Ballet Program

Are you an adult who wishes you could have trained in ballet as a child? Or do you dream of continuing your training where you left off years ago? If so, Joy of Dance offers you a unique opportunity.

Our Adult Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) Program trains adult students for ballet exams. This one-of-a-kind program offers conservatory-style training within an accessible, part-time schedule. Directed by Emily Tench, the courses inspire discovery and excellence in an inclusive environment. We see your potential and want to help you reach your goals.

The Adult RAD Ballet Program courses are registered 10 month courses with 2 classes per week. The courses start in September, training towards June exams. For information on Course Dates and Fees, please scroll down to the drop-down menu.

Please note that all RAD classes are registered classes. Every student in the program has to be fully enrolled.


The benefits of training at Joy of Dance for an RAD ballet exam:

  • progressive training
  • small class sizes
  • attention to detail
  • consistent personal feedback
  • accelerated progress
  • perform solo ballet variations
  • sense of achievement
  • feedback reports from exams

We offer two types of Adult RAD Ballet Exams:

  1. Vocational
  2. Discovering Repertoire

Dancers can take courses from either stream. For the best results, we suggest alternating between streams.

Adult RAD Ballet Program

2024/25 Course Schedule

RAD Intermediate Foundation

      • Fridays: 5:15- 7:15 p.m. Instructor: Naya Valdellon
      • Sundays: 3:15 – 5:15 p.m. Instructor: Naya Valdellon

RAD Intermediate

      • Mondays: 5:15- 7:15 p.m. Instructor: Rachel Zinck
      • Fridays: 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. Instructor: Naya Valdellon

RAD Advanced Foundation

      • Wednesdays: 6 – 8 p.m. Instructor: Rachel Zinck
      • Sundays: 1 – 3 p.m. Instructor: Naya Valdellon

RAD Advanced 1

      • Thursdays: 7:30-9:30 p.m. Instructor: Rachel Zinck

Adult RAD Course Structure

  • Courses run September through June.
  • Courses have 2 registered classes per week.
  • Students who register for 1 class/week may purchase an RAD jump-in class pass to attend their second class.
  • Students who only attend 1 class/ week will need to repeat the course to be exam ready.
  • Exams are not mandatory.

New Students must attend an assessment before registration.  


*Click for an application questionnaire students must fill out before they can join the program


Registration is OPEN for our 2024/25 Courses.

We DO NOT take online registrations for this program we require students to attend an assessment.


Call: 416-406-3262

Email: info@joyofdance.ca

Visit: 95 Danforth Ave, 3rd floor reception

Any questions about the Adult RAD Ballet Program, please feel free to email our Ballet Program Director, Naya Valdellon: ballet@joyofdance.ca

View all R.A.D. ballet classes
Adult ballet student warming up
RAD ballet students celebrating after class
toronto, adult ballet classes, adult dance lessons, adult rad
Ballet teacher guiding a student in Toronto

Adult RAD Vocational Courses

The Royal Academy of Dance offers a series of 5 vocational syllabi which provide an in depth, progressive education in classical ballet. Each syllabus course introduces movements and concepts appropriate to the level. In these courses, you will develop the skills to dance confidently at an advanced, or even professional, level.

Personal commitment is required to successfully complete these exams.

  • Attending two 2 hour RAD classes each week
  • 1-2 hours of home practice each week
  • Attending 1-3 jump-in ballet/ contemporary/ jazz/ yoga/ Pilates classes each week to attain/ maintain the physical fitness level required
  • Coming to class prepared, knowing your syllabus material when required
  • Arriving to class early to perform your personal warm-up exercises to prevent injury
  • Staying after class to stretch
  • Wearing your training uniform with hair held securely off the face and neck so it does not fall out
  • Bringing your best energy into the studio

The Dancer’s Life is a Lifestyle. Hard work, focus, perseverance and dedication bring growth, success, exhilaration and joy. Join our community of Adult Dancers!

RAD Intermediate Foundation

Prerequisite: 3 years of continuous ballet training at beginner to beginner plus levels.

Assessment: Group assessment required for new students.

Course Description:

Faculty will take you though progressive ballet training from conditioning work, to barre, to training exercises, to set exam choreography. Artistic performance skills and musicality are infused into the training. To be exam ready in this course, we recommend you take 2 RAD classes a week. To supplement your training, we also recommend you take at least 1 non-exam ballet class per week and practice at home 1-2 hours a week.

Ballet Vocabulary Examples:

All: Basic pas de bourrées, single pirouettes en dehors and en dedans, developes devant and 2nd in the centre. Allergo: glissades de côté, basic assemblés, sissonnes fermé, jeté ordinaire, temps levé in 1st arabesque, grand jetés.

Male Syllabus: single tour en l’àir.

Female Syllabus Pointe Work: Courus sur place, relevés 5th and echappé relevés at the barre and in the centre.

RAD Intermediate

Prerequisite: 3-5 years of continuous ballet training and 1 year of pointe experience for the female syllabus work OR having passed the RAD Intermediate Foundation exam.

Assessment: Group assessment required for new students.

Course Description:

RAD Intermediate is a mandatory exam as it is the prerequisite for all advanced-level RAD exams*. You must also pass this level to apply for the RAD’s teacher training. To be exam ready in this course, we recommend you take 2 RAD classes per week, 1-2 non-exam ballet classes per week and practice at home 1-3 hours a week.

*students who are not interested in taking their exams are welcome to take these courses.

Ballet Vocabulary Examples:

All:  Double pirouettes en dehors and en dedans, posé piqué turns en dedans, fouetté of adage, developé passé, entrechat quatre, assemblé battu, sissonne ouvert, brissé dessus, pas de basque sauté.

Male Syllabus: Grand allegro and chassé coupé turns en manège, single tours en l’air,

Female Syllabus Pointe Work: Barre: Coupé fouetté racourci and posé piqué de côté. Centre: Relevé devant/ derriere/ passé, temps lié en avant and de côté, courus de côté and en tournent.

RAD Advanced Foundation

Course Prerequisite: 5+ years of continuous ballet training and 2-3 years of pointe experience for the female syllabus work.

Exam Prerequisite: Passed the RAD Intermediate exam.

Assessment: Group assessment required for new students.

Course Description:

This course introduces professional level ballet. The choreography you will learn in this course is both challenging and fun. To attend this course, your posture and alignment must be secure. Your turnout, core, feet and legs must be strong and well controlled. To be exam ready in this course, we recommend you take 2 RAD classes per week, 2-3 non-exam ballet classes per week and plan to spend a minimum of 2 hours a week practicing in your own time.

Ballet Vocabulary Examples:

All: Double pirouettes en dedans with fouetté, posé piqué turns en dedans, pivots (promenade) in attitude derrière, entrechat trios and cinq, brissé desus, failli, sissonne doublé, ballonnée, grand jeté en tournent.

Male Syllabus: Double tour en l’air, multiple piroettes en deshors.

Female Syllabus Pointe Work: Barre: relevé 1-1. Centre: relevé passé with ¼ turns, assemblé soutinue, posé piqué en avant to arabesque, posé piqué de côté and en arrière to retiré, emboités, single pirouettes en dehors and en dedans, posé piqué turns en dedans.

RAD Advanced I

Course Prerequisite: 6+ years of continuous ballet training and 4-6 years of pointe experience for the female syllabus work.

Exam Prerequisite: Passed the RAD Intermediate exam.

Assessment: Group assessment required for new students.

Course Description:

RAD Advanced 1 is a true vocational syllabus. The movements taught in this course can be seen in professional ballets around the world. The training is detailed, demanding and rewarding.  To be exam ready in this course, we recommend you take 2 RAD classes per week, 3-5 non-exam ballet/pointe classes per week, a minimum of 2 hours of home practive per week. To succeed at this level, you must maintain a high level of fitness, strength and flexibility. To prevent injuries, we recommend cross training such as Pilates and yoga.

It is normal for students to take at least 2 years to be exam ready at this level.


Ballet Vocabulary:

All: Pas de bourrée couru, pivots (promenade) in arabesque, penchée, fouetté turns (female, demi-pointe), Piroettes finishing in open positions, chainés, coupé brisse, sissonnes changées, fouetté sauté, ballottés sautés.

Male Syllabus: Pivots (promenades) à la second, pirouettes à la second, double tours en l’air, retiré passé sauté, pas de basque sauté battu, sissonne battu fermé, sauté de basque en menage

Female Syllabus Pointe Work: polka step, single pirouettes en dedans with fouetté, posé piqué turns en deshors, chainés, emboité turns, relevé in 2 nd en l’air with rond de jambe en l’air, sissonne fermé relevés.

Adult RAD Repertoire Courses

***There will be no Discovering Repertoire classes offered in 2024-2025***


The Royal Academy of Dance recently introduced 3 new syllabi called Discovering
Repertoire. They provide a progressive, systematic training towards solo variations
from classical ballets like The Sleeping Beauty, The Nutcracker, and Coppélia.
In each of the 3 new Discovering Repertoire syllabi there are 5 possible exams:

    • Technique Class exam
    • Male Variation 1 exam
    • Female Variation 1 exam
    • Male Variation 2 exam
    • Female Variation 2 exam

To get a taste of these new syllabi, watch this RAD video:

Watch Video

Technique Class Exam Courses:
All courses run twice a week for 10 months, September- June. These 2 hour classes
progressively train towards the exam set exercises. The exam includes barre, port de
bras, pirouettes, adage, allegros and a reverence. Soft, soft-block (demi-pointe) or
pointe shoes may be worn throughout the course, however the exam must be taken in
soft shoes or soft-blocks.

Female Variation Exam Courses:
All courses run twice a week for 10 months, September- June. These are 2 hour
classes and are focused on pointe work training. Classes will progressively train the
required vocabulary from foot exercises, to training exercises at the barre and in the
centre, to the set exam enchainements.
Unlike Vocational or Technique Class Exams there is no barre in the Variation Exams.
Dancers present 8 set enchainements, 1 variation and a reverence.
Female Variation Exams and Courses may be danced in soft shoes, soft-blocks (demi-
pointe shoes) or pointe shoes.

Male Variation Exam Courses:
All courses run twice a week for 10 months, September- June. These 2 hour classes
progressively train the required vocabulary to prepare dancers for the exam syllabus

exercises starting from conditioning exercises, to barre work, to centre, pirouettes and
allegro, to the set exam enchainements.
Unlike Vocational or Technique Class Exams there is no barre in the Variation Exams.
Dancers present 8 set enchainements, 1 variation and a reverence.
Male Variation Courses and Exams are traditionally danced in soft shoes.

Discovering Repertoire Level 2

Level Equivalent:

  • On Demi-Pointe; RAD Grade 5, RAD Intermediate Foundation, RAD Intermediate
  • On Pointe; RAD Advanced Foundation, RAD Advanced 1


Group assessment is required for new students.

Exams offered:

  1. Technique Class
  2. Female Variation 1: Coppélia, Act II, Spanish Variation
  3. Male Variation 1: Coppélia, Act I, Franz Variation
  4. Female Variation 2: Giselle, Act 1, Peasant pas de deux excerpt
  5. Male Variation 2: Giselle, Act 1, Peasant pas de deux excerpt
Discovering Repertoire Level 3

Level equivalent:

  • On Demi-Pointe; RAD Grades 6-8, RAD Intermediate, RAD Advanced Foundation
  • On Pointe; RAD Advanced 1 and 2


Group assessment required for new students.

Exams offered:

  1. Technique Class
  2. Female Variation 1: The Sleeping Beauty, Princess Florine (Blue Bird)
  3. Male Variation 1: The Sleeping Beauty, Act 2, Prince Désiré
  4. Female Variation 2: Paquita, Pas de Trois
  5. Male Variation 2: Paquita, Variation from Paquita
Discovering Repertoire Level 4

Level Equivalent:

  • On Demi-Pointe or on Demi-Pointe: RAD Advanced Foundation, RAD Advanced 1, RAD Advanced 2


Group assessment required for new students.

Exams offered:

  1. Technique Class
  2. Female Variation 1: Swan Lake, Act 2, Odette
  3. Male Variation 1: Swan Lake, Act 3, Prince Siegfried
  4. Female Variation 2: The Nutcracker, Sugar Plum Fairy
  5. Male Variation 2:  The Nutcracker, Act 2, The Nutcracker Prince

Summer Intensive and Workshops

Progressing Ballet Technique Workshops

Progressing Ballet Technique is an innovative dance conditioning program developed by Marie Walton-Mahon in Australia. This training system develops a dancer’s muscle memory to improve their core stability, weight placement and alignment, as well as over-all strength and control. Dancers perform exercises using a fitness ball or resistance band. The tools give the dancer immediate feedback on their alignment while training specific muscle groups and coordinations required for ballet and other dance forms. Each exercise has been developed with the care and guidance of a team of physiotherapists. The system is now taught world wide and has helped countless dancers prepare for careers in dance.

New schedule: Saturdays, 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Instructor: Rachel Zinck

Please stay tuned to our website for future website.

*please contact us if you are unable to bring a large fitness ball when you register. We have some balls to loan.
Ballet Adult Summer Intensives

Adult Ballet Summer Intensive

(August 22-25, 2024)
Thursday and Friday: 6:00-9:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday: 9:30 am-3:30 pm

Join us for four Incredible Days of Ballet! Whether you are working towards a ballet exam or want to improve your technique and artistry, the Joy of Dance ballet program faculty will help you achieve your dance goals.

Thursday to Sunday Price: $380+HST
Thursday AND Friday Price: $160+HST
Saturday AND Sunday Price: $260+HST

Beginner-Plus/ Elementary:
– 3-5 Years of Ballet Training
– RAD Intermediate Foundation – Intermediate

Intermediate/ Advanced:


Ballet Class
Turns and Jumps
Conditioning and Stretch

To Register:
Call: 416-406-3262
Email: info@joyofdance.ca
Or sign up online

Adult RAD Ballet Program Information

General Information

Entry Level Requirements:

You need at least three years of ballet training to be eligible for the Adult RAD Ballet Program. We suggest you take:

    •  Adult Beginner Ballet for 1-2 years

    Followed by:

    • Adult Beginner Plus Ballet for 1 to 2 years.

    *We do not currently offer RAD ballet exams for beginner adult dancers.

    Prerequisite Exams:

    The RAD Intermediate exam is a prerequisite for all Advanced RAD exams.

    Please let us know if you have completed ballet exams through other dance organizations. The RAD recognizes exams from some other organizations.

    Preparing for your Exam:

    To prepare for a ballet exam, we recommend you:

    •  Take 2 RAD classes/ week
    • Supplement your RAD classes with at least 1 drop-in class/ week
    • Cross train with Yoga, Pilates, Swimming or HIIT
    • Arrive early to class to warm up to help prevent injury
    • Stay after class to stretch

    Dance is a Lifestyle! This will give you the fitness, strength, confidence and consistency required for the exam.

    Progressive Courses:

    Adult RAD courses are progressive. This means that each new movement or concept introduced is building on skills you have learned previously. Our courses develop through stages:

    1.  Conditioning/ alignment training/ basic technique and vocabulary
    2.  Training exercises introducing new concepts, techniques and artistic skills
    3.  Set exam exercise learning and memorization
    4.  Exam material repetition for technical and artistic consistency and growth
    5.  Attend 2 mock exams to mentally and physically prepare
    6.  Attend the exam with an external examiner supplied by the RAD

    Exams are Optional:

    If you want rigorous ballet training, but do not want to take an exam, you are still welcome in our Adult RAD Program. You may take any exam-level course without doing the exam.

    I want to become a Registered Teacher with the RAD.

    If you are an aspiring Royal Academy of Dance teacher, you must pass the RAD Intermediate exam before you can apply to the RAD’s teacher training program. For more information on the RAD’s teacher training options, visit radcanada.org.

Course Dates and Fees: 2024/25

Adult RAD Ballet Program Courses

  • 10 month courses: September through June
  • 2 classes/ week
  • Private coaching available
  • 2 Mandatory Mock Exams in April/ May
  • Exams in June
  • Exams are not mandatory to register for Courses!

Course Registration

  • Ideally register for 2 classes/ week
  • If you can only register for 1 or the 2 weekly classes you may purchase an RAD jump-in card to attend your second class as often as possible

IMPORTANT: If Students are only able to attend 1 weekly class they will likely need to repeat the course to be exam ready.


Course Fees

Fees may be paid in full in September or in 2 installments:

1st Installment Due: Sunday, September 8, 2024

2nd Installment Due: Friday, February 14, 2025

1 registered class/ week:

1st installment – $587 + taxes

2nd installment $587 + taxes


RAD Jump-in Passes:

Single: $32
5-Class Pass: $157
10-Class Pass: $310

Note: Jump-in Class Passes are valid for 6 months

Course Dates

First Installment Period:

Saturday, September 7 – February 10 (19 weeks)

  • Thanksgiving: No classes Sunday, October 13 and Monday, October 14
  • Winter Break: No Classes Saturday, December 21 – Saturday, January 4 (classes resume January 5)

Second Installment Period:

Friday, February 14- Monday, June 23 (19 weeks)

  • All Classes pay for 19 weeks. However, Sundays and Mondays have 18 weeks with 1 extra makeup class credit
  • Easter Break: No classes Friday, April 18 – Monday April 21 (classes resume April 22)
  • Victoria Day Long Weekend: No classes Sunday, May 18 and Monday, May 19

Make-Up Classes

For each instalment period students have access to 3 make-up classes per registered weekly class.

You can use your Make-up classes for:

  • Your second weekly class (if not registered)
  • An RAD class of a course you have taken previously
  • A Ballet Workshop (offered over the winter break and after exams in late June)
  • A Joy of Dance Jump-in class of equal or lesser value

RAD Private Coaching Lessons:

  • 30 minutes = $45 +hst
  • Virtual Private: 45 minutes = $65 +hst

NOTE: We strongly recommend that students plan to spread out private coaching over the year and not try to book them all in the last month!

Mock Exams

All Exam Students must attend 2 Mock exams to prepare for their exam.

  • PLEASE NOTE: Students who are approved to take their exams will pay for their RAD Exam fee and 2 Mock Exams in one lump sum in February 2025
  • Mocks happen in the last 2 months before the exam: April and May
  • Mocks are scheduled outside of regular class time
  • Mocks are danced with your exam group of 2-4 dancers
  • A Joy of Dance RAD Faculty member will sit as an “acting examiner”
  • 1st Mock: Dancers are provided with guidance on how the exam will run and given written feedback on their performance.
  • 2nd Mock Exam: Runs as a real exam. No verbal guidance. Only a few notes will be given.

RAD Exam Fees:

The RAD will release the next year’s exam fees early each fall. These are the fees from 2022/23:

RAD Intermediate Foundation: $175
RAD Intermediate: $190
Advanced 1: Member – $210, Non-Member – $345
Discovering Repertoire Level 4: $104


  • If you were unable to attend your exam due to an injury or illness a 50% Exam Fee Refund is available with a doctor’s note.
  • Refund applications must be made within 4 weeks of exam date.
  • No refunds are available for students who chose to pull out of their exam for other reasons

Examiner Feedback Report

After your exam you will receive your marks and a certificate. The exam is broken down into 10 sections with 10 marks possible per section.

  • High Distinction: 85-100
  • Distinction 75-84
  • High Merit 65-74
  • Merit 55-64
  • Pass 40-54

The average mark for the RAD is 65

If you would like a full page written report from your examiner with a short paragraph written about each of the 10 sections we can order a “Results Enquiry” for $60.

New Student Assessment and Placement

All new students should:

1. Fill out the New Student Form


2. Attend an group class assessment, to be placed in the correct level.

  • Mondays 7:15-8:45pm: Beginner Plus Ballet w/ Rachel Zinck
  • Sundays 10-11:30am: Elementary Ballet w/ Naya Valdellon

Register for your assessment class by either:

Note: Jump-In class fees apply

3. Introduce yourself to the teacher at the start of class to ensure they know who they are assessing.
4. Speak to the teacher after class about what level they think you are best suited to.
5. Email ballet@joyofdance.ca

  • The date of your chosen assessment class
  • To confirm with us which level you would like to register for
Course Expectations

Training for an RAD ballet exam takes commitment. Here is what we expect of you, and what you can expect from us:

Studio Etiquette:

  • Joy of Dance is a safe space for all 2SLGBTQ+ and BIPOC people. Respect your fellow students and staff.
  • Attend class regularly
  • Arrive on time
  • Warm-up for class to prevent injury
  • Wear proper ballet attire (please review the uniform requirements), flesh tone tights and shoes are encouraged
  • Hair tied up off the face and neck (must hold up through turns and allegro)
  • Turn off your cell phone (unless you are expecting an emergency call)
  • Enter the studio with your mind and body focused on dancing to the best of your ability

Course Expectations:

  • Practice your personal corrections and syllabus choreography at home for at least 2 hours per week
  • Supplement your training by taking open, non-exam ballet classes
  • Tell your teacher about the learning style that you prefer
  • Ask your teacher questions. If you are concerned about something, tell your teacher sooner than later.
  • Have perseverance. These are long courses! You will have ups and downs. Have patience, work hard and enjoy the process.

What you can expect from us:

  • Your teacher will be knowledgeable, experienced and prepared
  • We will be patient as you develop and evolve as a dancer
  • We will give you personal corrections and feedback that is specific to your needs
  • We will work to bring out the best in you and your fellow students
  • We will create a safe space for all dancers and staff
  • We will listen to your questions and concerns. We take your feedback seriously, and will do our best to meet your needs.

In Conclusion:

This program takes time and commitment. We understand that as an adult student, you have a career, a family, and non-dance obligations. We recognize that teaching ballet to adults is different than teaching ballet to children and youth. We encourage you to work hard, but will treat you with respect and empathy. We want your experience to be engaging, satisfying and rewarding.

Gender Identity and Ballet Class

Any dancer who wishes to register for the Adult RAD Ballet Program is welcome, regardless of their gender identity/expression. Any dancer who wishes to learn pointe may do so. Any dancer who wishes to learn the traditionally “Female” or “Male” choreography may.

Dancers have the freedom to wear a training uniform that best suites their gender expression. It may be the traditionally Female or Male uniform, or one that the dancer creates. The uniform should:
– be form fitting to allow teachers to correct technique
– allow for freedom of movement

Gender and RAD Ballet Exams
The RAD’s current policies on gender in examinations are as follows:
Students must chose a binary gender (Female or Male) to perform. They can not perform material from both genders in one exam. However students may chose to take 2 exams for the same level, preforming the Male work in one exam, and the Female work in the next.
-Students may chose to wear either the Female or Male uniform in the exam. The uniform does not need to match the gender of the choreography being performed.

Someday perhaps the RAD will find a way to include a non-binary examination and uniform.

Our Current Gender Labeling
The binary gender labels we are using for registration purposes mean the following:

Women (Pointe): Includes Pointe work and Female Variations.
Men: Includes Male specific Allegro and Pirouettes and Male Variations. Does not include Pointe work.

*Dancers who wish to learn Pointe should pay Female Term Registration Fees.
*Please speak to your teacher about what syllabus material you are interested in learning in class as well as your chosen pronouns.

Warm-up for Ballet Class Videos with Emily Tench




Adult RAD Ballet Program Uniform Information

Training Uniform

Dancers have the freedom to wear the training uniform that best suits their gender expression. It may be a traditional Female or Male uniform, or one that the dancer creates.

The uniform should:

  • be form fitting to allow teachers to correct technique
  • allow for freedom of movement
  • colour choices are optional
Exam Uniform

The RAD’s current policies on uniforms in examinations are as follows:

Students may choose to wear either the Female or Male uniform in the exam. The uniform does not need to match the gender of the choreography being performed.


The only requirements for hair style in our ballet classes and RAD exams are the following:

  • pulled off the face and neck
  • will not impede spotting and jumping
  • long hair is secure and will not fall out
Tights and Shoes Colour

We support and encourage dancers to wear shoes and tights that match their skin tone if they desire. This is also encouraged for RAD exams.

Specific RAD Ballet Exam Uniforms

Specific RAD Ballet Exam Uniforms

Female: Vocational Syllabus (Intermediate Foundation-Advanced 2)

Body Suite: sleeveless or capped sleeve scooped neck leotard

Body Suite Colours: black, navy blue, royal blue, purple

Skirt: Variation 1: Half/practice tutu may be worn. Colour should tone or match with leotard.

Variation 2: Short chiffon wrap skirt may be worn . Colour should match or tone with leotard.

Belt: optional. 2cm elastic, colour to match leotard

Tights: flesh coloured or pink tights

Shoes: Soft blocks or dead pointe shoes

Must have ribbons

*Intermediate Foundation only: soft ballet slippers may be worn

Colour: flesh coloured or pink, with matching ribbons.

Pointe shoes worn for the pointe work section


Hair:  Pulled up off your face and neck in a secure style that will not fall out.


Male: Vocational Syllabus (Intermediate Foundation and Intermediate)

Top: Leotard or well-fitted short sleeved t-shirt worn tucked into tights

Top Colour: white

Tights: grey, navy or black stirrup tights

Socks: white socks, worn over the tights

Shoes: white or black, canvas or leather soft ballet shoes with white elastic.

Hair:  Pulled up off the face and neck in a secure style that will not fall out.


Male: Vocational Syllabus (Advanced Foundation-Advanced 2)

Top: Leotard

Top Colour: white, black, navy

Tights: grey, navy or black stirrup tights

Socks: white or black (should match shoes), worn over the tights

Shoes: white or black (should match socks). Canvas or leather soft ballet shoes with elastic.

Hair:  Pulled up off the face and neck in a secure style that will not fall out.



Female: Discovering Repertoire, Levels 2-4:

Body Suite: capped sleeve scooped neck or camisole leotard

Body Suite Colour: black, burgundy

Skirt: Variations: Optional asymmetrical knee length chiffon skirt to match leotard,

OR a romantic or classical tutu in white or black with-or-without decorative ribbons may be worn.

No Belt

Tights: flesh coloured or pink tights

Shoes: soft ballet shoes in satin, canvas or leather

Pointe shoes or soft pointe shoes may be worn for Units: Variation 1 and Variation 2, in all


Colour: flesh coloured or pink

Elastic or ribbons, should match colour of tights and shoes

*Note: Units: Variation 1 and 2 must be performed completely wearing the pointe shoes, the dancer cannot change shoes half way through.


Male: Discovering Repertoire, Levels 2-4:

Top: short sleeved leotard or well fitted t-shirt

Top Colour: white, navy or black

Tights: grey, navy or black stirrup tights

Socks: white or black (should match shoes), worn over the tights

Shoes: white or black ballet shoes in canvas or leather with matching elastic and socks

RAD BALLET Policies and Procedures

Class Size

The Adult RAD Program at Joy of Dance offers small class sizes for excellent student to teacher ratio. If registration numbers are too low, however, rather than cancel classes we will make the following adjustments:

4-5 registered students*: Semi-private course
Regular Course Fees, No Make-up classes offered.

6+ registered students*: Group class
Regular Course Fees, 2 Make-up classes offered per term.

8+ registered students*: Group class
Regular Course Fees, 2 Make-up classes offered per term.

*Average between the 2 weekly classes
Make-Up Classes

In-person students in registered classes with 8 or more students are allowed 3 makeup classes per registered class.


  • Students MUST EMAIL the studio IN ADVANCE of a missed class to have access to a make-up class: info@joyofdance.ca
  • You may book the use of a make-up class in advance, or on the day-of your desired class.
  • Make-up classes may be used for Adult RAD classes or regular Joy of Dance jump-in classes
  • Make-up classes MUST be used by the end of the term.
  • If you know you will be away at the end of a term, we suggest you contact reception at the START of the term, get taken out of the classes you will miss and use the make-ups before you go away.

Make-up Email protocol:

  • In the Subject Line write: RAD Make-Up Class
  • In the Email, state your full name
  • State the course you are registered for
  • State the date of the class you will be missing
  • If known, state the date and class you would like to use your make-up class for.


Emily Tench

Teen and Adult Ballet Program Director

Naya Valdellon


Rachel Zinck



Hard work, mental focus and dedication are all part of the process. Just remember that in life the best part is often the journey not the destination which gives us our greatest joy. Step into your future, point your toes and embrace your dream.

RAD Jump-in Passes (Female Syllabus):

Single: $32 | 5-Class Pass: $157 | 10-Class Pass: $310

Prices do not include HST.
Students must register 1/week to be eligible for RAD Jump-in passes.
To reserve a spot with the RAD Jump-in pass, please contact the Front Desk. Online registration is not available.

Expiration: 6 months from purchase
Note: Check Term Dates and Fees page for male syllabus prices

Signing Up Is Easy

Step 1

Create your profile

Step 2

Select a class and register yourself into class

Step 3

Pay for class online or by phone

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Happy dancing! :)

Adult RAD Ballet Program

Step 1 of 4

  • Thank you for your interest in our Adult RAD Ballet Program, please fill in the questionnaire below to the best of your ability. It will take about 10 minutes.

Thank You!
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