Summer Dancing: Taking it Outside
Summer Dancing: Taking it Outside
Maybe it’s the romantic in me, but I’ve always loved outdoor dancing. Moving with a partner, combined with the feel of a breeze and the sounds of nature or passerby is a unique and lovely experience. And summer dancing is the best time for it.
The purists of the ballroom dance world will disagree of course – for them, nothing compares to a sprung-hardwood floor and great acoustics. And they’re right, in that you can dance the most correctly when you do it in a proper dance hall. I’d like to present a few arguments however, on why outdoor summer dancing might be the most fun.
Fresh air. Say what you want about air conditioning, a breath of fresh air feels great, especially summer dancing or another energetic activity. And depending on the location, it can be a lot healthier too; enclosed spaces with lots of people mean a lot of shared air – and germs.
Better foot articulation. Ever danced barefoot on grass or sand? It’s a great way to connect to how we roll through the foot and push off, without that barrier of suede leather getting in the way.
Better floor connection. Okay, this isn’t always a good thing, but getting in your summer dancing on a stickier surface like concrete or marble can help with balance, control, and power when pushing off in new directions.
It’s social dancing – literally! Maybe the best thing about summer dancing outdoors is you never know who will join in. It’s a great way to build up some great stories, and make some new friends.
About the Author
Ian Crewe has been dancing ballroom for over 18 years, and has a Licentiate in American smooth and rhythm. His passion for dance eventually led him to blogging and the World Wide Web. Ian currently teaches at the Joy of Dance Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada.